Search: PVY
12 Results
12 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato growers who worry about things like PVY and Ring Rot can call on Nose Knows Scouting to sniff out your problems.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato growers who worry about things like PVY and Ring Rot can call on Nose Knows Scouting to sniff out your problems.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato growers who worry about things like PVY and Ring Rot have another option for detecting and finding these diseases and it just might be their 'best friend.'
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Potato growers who worry about things like PVY and Ring Rot have another option for detecting and finding these diseases and it just might be their 'best friend.'
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
If dogs can sniff out drugs and lost people, Nose Knows Scouting figured why not disease in potatoes?
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
If dogs can sniff out drugs and lost people, Nose Knows Scouting figured why not disease in potatoes?
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
We know about search and rescue dogs, drug dogs, and even cancer dogs, so why not dogs that can sniff out diseases in your crops? A company called Nose Knows Scouting has dogs that can find PVY and Ring Rot in your potatoes in nothing flat.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Nose Knows Scouting dogs will detect and find traces of PVY and Ring Rot in your potatoes.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
We know about search and rescue dogs, drug dogs, and even cancer dogs, so why not dogs that can sniff out diseases in your crops? A company called Nose Knows Scouting has dogs that can find PVY and Ring Rot in your potatoes in nothing flat.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Nose Knows Scouting dogs will detect and find traces of PVY and Ring Rot in your potatoes.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Just like people, potatoes could use a vitamin boost as well.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Study shows Potatoes benefit from vitamin B-1 supplements too.