Search: DNA
23 Results
23 Results
Farm of the Future
DNA testing commercial herds can speed up this process, and is something more ranchers could be taking advantage of.
The Agribusiness Update
The Panama Canal is restricting the number of cargo ships passing due to decreasing water supply, and American potato exports reach record value and volume records.
The Agribusiness Update
The Panama Canal is restricting the number of cargo ships passing due to decreasing water supply, and American potato exports reach record value and volume records.
The Agribusiness Update
Fresno claims garlic crown with National Garlic Festival, and Ag credit conditions improve in first quarter of 2022.
Fruit Grower Report
OSU Researchers close to on-site crown gall disease detection.
Fruit Grower Report
OSU Researchers close to on-site crown gall disease detection.
The Agribusiness Update
Farm Bill delays reminding some of 2013 problems, and Senate Bill could be good news for livestock haulers worried about ELD.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Crown Gall testing research at Oregon State University.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Crown Gall testing research at Oregon State University.
Fruit Grower Report
Genetic test that can tell if a plant is likely to bear fruit that are exceptionally sweet , really tasty and really enjoyable to eat or whether they are prone to just be bland
Land & Livestock Report
New research might soon have the ability track antibiotic resistant superbugs genetic footprints. A recent $2.5 million USDA grant to Colorado State University will be using the advances in DNA sequencing technology to track drug-resistant bacteria.
Food Forethought
J.R. Simplot Co.'s new genetically modified potato has been approved by the USDA, but that doesn't mean squat to McDonald's.
Idaho Ag Today
Let's use manipulation of DNA. How can you manipulate DNA in pine trees so that bark beetles won't like the taste of them?
Idaho Ag Today
OSU animal scientist Dr. Monique Udell explains that when a herding dog turns out to be an excellent performer, it's the result of DNA and early training.
Food Forethought
According to a recent study bees underwent a mass extinction right along with the dinosaurs.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
DNA testing of bladderpod plant throws kink in proposed endangered species listing.
Fruit Grower Report
Today we finish up our conversation with WSU TFREC's Kate Evans.
Farm of the Future
The Organic Farming Research Foundation conducts a yearly Organic Land Grant Assessment that reviews and scores organic programs and research activity at America's agricultural universities. WSU was one of the six universities given a perfect score.