Search: Biological
71 Results
71 Results
The Agribusiness Update
University of Florida Extension is working with its Agriculture and Biological Engineering Department to launch a new Farm Technology Field Day, and retail sales of U.S. potatoes increased by both volume and dollar sales in July 2023-thru-June of this year.
Farm of the Future
The growing biologicals category is good for farmers, but not all rationale for it is warranted.
Farm of the Future
There is definitely a trend in the agricultural inputs industry to come up with more biological solutions.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Most farmers, despite the beliefs of some, are all for regenerative agriculture and improving the impact they have on the environment … and the food we all eat.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Most farmers, despite the beliefs of some, are all for regenerative agriculture and improving the impact they have on the environment … and the food we all eat.
Farm of the Future
Many herbicides aren’t as effective as they use to be, and others have been regulated away. So how will farmers control weeds in the future?
Farm of the Future
Harpe Bio is working to commercialize their novel, natural biological herbicide portfolio derived from plant extracts.
Line on Agriculture
Biological can be a naturally occurring organism or substance, but not modified from its original state, according to FMC's Mathew Pye.
Farm of the Future
The entire crop input industry seems to be investing more and more money into biologicals.
Farm of the Future
UPL, the world’s 5th largest agrochemical company, sees a lot of future opportunities in biologicals.
Farm of the Future
Pests and diseases are constantly adapting to agricultural inputs all while many of these tools are getting regulated away.
Farm of the Future
There continues to be a lot of new biological products hitting the market for a variety of agricultural applications.
Farm of the Future
The annual nitrogen credit program enables farmers to increase profitability while reducing their environmental impact.
Farm of the Future
Early adopters actively using the natural inputs on their crops rated them positively.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Vive Crop Protection has a fungicide called AZterknot that Vive's Jonathan Adamson says promotes plant health with a combination of chemicals and biologicals.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Vive Crop Protection has a fungicide called AZterknot that Vive's Jonathan Adamson says promotes plant health with a combination of chemicals and biologicals.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Lauren Krogman, National Cotton Council, encourages growers to visit’s contamination free page to learn more about approved module wrap and how to keep U.S. cotton clean.
California Ag Today
I’m in Kansas City for the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual meeting, and I got to catch up FMC Biological Subject Matter Expert Matthew Pye.
Farm of the Future
New technology enables farmers to have a better understanding of when a biological input will help and when it won't.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Vive Crop Protection Western Regional Sales Manager, Jonathan Adamson talks about his confidence in the products and technologies his company has developed to stay grower-focused.