Search: Army
21 Results
21 Results
California Ag Today
Last week legislation was released that authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to study and carry out a host of water infrastructure and environmental restoration projects across the country.
The Agribusiness Update
Governors of Georgia and Alabama reach agreement with Corps of Engineers on Chattahoochee River water availability, and American Farm Bureau members play an important role in their communities by serving at the local, state, and national levels.
The Agribusiness Update
Consumers are finding that eggs are one of the foods that are more expensive than they were a year ago, and U.S. beef exports to East Asia are on a record pace.
The Agribusiness Update
Tariffs and retaliatory duties ended up cost U.S. agriculture, and Vilsack gives his thoughts on supply chains challenges.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse is calling Governor Inslee and Senator Murray's new dam breaching study "fishy".
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse is calling Governor Inslee and Senator Murray's new dam breaching study "fishy".
The Agribusiness Update
A U.S. District Court Judge rejects Alabama's claims the Corps of Engineers violated federal water control laws, and USMEF recognizes importance of sustainable red meat production.
The Agribusiness Update
Army worms make their way across Alabama and the South, and EPA okay's herbicide Paraquat for another 15-years.
California Ag Today
This is the time when farm advisors and PCAs are scouting for the rice pest to avoid defoliation.
The Agribusiness Update
The EPA and Army intend to revise the definition of WOTUS, and agricultural lending remains strong in spite of pandemic.
The Agribusiness Update
Trade talks with China spark optimism in soybean circles, and Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue praises EPA and Corps of Engineers pledge to repeal and replace WOTUS rule.
The Agribusiness Update
House Rejecting Trump's Ag Spending Cuts, and EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Rescinding WOTUS Rule.
Northwest Report
A new pest may be making its presence know in a big way this spring...and Oregon producers can now apply for a hemp license.
Colorado Ag Today
Cutworms are causing headaches for wheat farmers in Colorado.
Idaho Ag Today
EPA and Army Corps of Engineers proposal, those minuscule bodies of water on your farm would be treated in the same way as a river or navigable waterway.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposed expanded definition of "waters of the United States" could threaten conservation practices.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington cattleman testifies on the impacts of the EPA and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' proposed expanded definition of "waters of the United States".
The Agribusiness Update
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson just co-sponsored legislation to limit the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers from expanding their regulatory authority over state waters.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers districts accepting public comment through December 18th on applications by port districts in Clarkston, Washington and Lewiston, Idaho, and WA Association of Wine Grape Growers Annual Meeting, Convention and Trade Show to be held February 5th through the 7th.
Northwest Report
Some safe trick or treating small town is being invaded...and Lacy looks at "Speciesism."