Water Resources Development Act Heads to Committee
It's time for California Ag Today. On the Ag Information Network, I am Haylie Shipp.If it involves water at any level, it should include the state of California. Maybe that’s a little self-centered of a statement but, as federal water legislation is being looked at, it needs to also have a strong focus from individuals here in the Golden State.
Last week legislation was released that authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to study and carry out a host of water infrastructure and environmental restoration projects across the country. The biennial Water Resources Development Act directs the Army Corps’ flood control, navigation, and ecosystem restoration efforts.
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will mark up the bill on Wednesday.
“This year’s legislation would focus on protecting communities from increasingly severe floods and droughts and promoting economic activity at the nation’s ports,” says Tom Carper (D-DEL), chair of the committee and the bill sponsor. It includes projects and programs relevant to all 50 states, prioritizes initiatives to help disadvantaged communities, and directs the Army Corps to finish certain previously authorized projects.
The bill is 195 pages. That hearing is set to begin at 9:45 Eastern on Wednesday.