Search: American Sheep Industry
12 Results
12 Results
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Sheep producers are still struggling from COVID-19 price downfalls along with higher input costs.
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The American Seep Industry Association recently held their annual meeting and among the hot topics was that of sheep grazing on solar panel land.
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"Some says it's not if, but when," says Peter Orwick, Executive Director of the Amerian Sheep Industry Association referring to a livestock disease outbreak.
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Peter Orwick, American Sheep Industry Executive Director, discusses the USDA's new disease management grant for sheep producers, focusing on the use of electronic identification ear tags.
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The American Sheep Industry Association is working to create export and market opportunities for wool and are hoping to utilize funds from a USDA grant to further advance marketing of both lamb and wool.
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Wilde Valley Farms Produces Sustainable Moisture Retainining Pellets for Gardeners.
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Joe Pozzi secretary and treasurer of the American Sheep Industry talks about sheep grazing under solar arrays trends.
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Due to a lack of market for wool, many producers are either storing it or finding new ways to use and market it.
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Ethnic Consumers Continue to Be a Viable Market for Sheep and Many are Favoring Quality Fed Versus Grass Fed Lamb.
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American Sheep Industry Executive Director, Peter Orwich
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American Sheep Industry Association Executive Director Peter Orwick
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American Sheep Industry Association Executive Director, Peter Orwick