Search: school lunch
6 Results
6 Results
Southeast Regional Ag News
A recent Congressional Research Service report states finalized school nutrition regulations will cost school districts an extra three cents per meal on average.
California Ag Today
July 1 has come and gone and, with its passing, updated nutrition standards for school meals are now in effect.
Line on Agriculture
Flavored milk provides students with health benefits and makes it a palatable choice for school-aged youth.
Southeast Regional Ag News
At the USDA Conversation on Healthy School Meals Roundtable, Vilsack says, “Our commitment to the school meal programs comes from a common goal we all share – keeping kids healthy and helping them reach their full potential.”
Southeast Regional Ag News
Diane Pratt-Heavner, director of media relations with the School Nutrition Association, says farmers have played a big part in nutritious school meals for a long time.
Southeast Regional Ag News
The USDA has added nearly $1 billion to existing funding to help schools purchase American-grown food for their meal programs.