Search: mineral
23 Results
23 Results
Line on Agriculture
President and CEO of the Fertilizer Institute, Corey Rosenbush
Farm of the Future
There is no shortage of data on a farm, but the challenge of converting data into business decisions is much harder.
Farm of the Future
Mineral CEO Elliot Grant says machine learning models will usher in a new wave of farm data and insights.
Farm of the Future
Mineral recently spun out of X, Google's Moonshot factory, to organize farm data with human intuition and machine learning.
The Agribusiness Update
A new study shows watermelon promotes better heart health, and AFBF President Zippy Duvall says vaccine mandate will worsen supply chain problems.
The Agribusiness Update
A survey of dietitians who believe blueberries provide heart health, and does Phase One spell the end for Market Facilitation Program in 2020?
Fruit Grower Report
An organic alternative to spice up your soil, from Farm Fuel.
Fruit Grower Report
An organic alternative in mustard seed meal could do wonders for your soil.
Fruit Grower Report
Mustard seed meal spices up soils for a chemical alternative to stimulate growth.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Secretary of Interior clears up confusion over tribal jurisdiction on Skagit County farm lands.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Secretary of Interior clears up tribal jurisdiction questions in Skagit County.
Fruit Grower Report
Much to the relief of farmers, Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke details jurisdiction of Swinomish Tribe in Skagit County.
Land & Livestock Report
This is the time of year for ranchers to set the standard for their cows for nutritional well being now before major production cycles begin. We know that cows need protein, energy and minerals.
Northwest Report
Suspect beef has been recalled...An explanation to USDA procuring firearms...A major broadcasting milestone has been reached...and Lacy gets personal with your health.
Food Forethought
Ancient grains are those that are the same today as they were when our ancestors ate them hundreds or thousands of years ago.
Land & Livestock Report
On today's program we look a bit more at the problem of grass tetany.
Land & Livestock Report
Cattle producers need to be on their toes when it comes a mineral deficiencies in their herd.
Land & Livestock Report
Grass tetany can sneak up on cattle producers at this time of year.