Search: National Cattlemen's Beef Association
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30 Results
California Ag Today
Eleventh-hour national monument designations from the Biden Administration add more than half a million acres to California’s historic 30×30 initiative.
Line on Agriculture
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President,Mark Eisele says the Trump's pick for USDA Ag Secretary, Brooke Rollins could be beneficial, saying it is an opportunity for a clean slate.
Line on Agriculture
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President,Mark Eisele says the Trump's pick for USDA Ag Secretary, Brooke Rollins could be beneficial, saying it is an opportunity for a clean slate.
Southeast Regional Ag News
As the New World Screwworm continues to threaten the cattle industry in South America, producers here in the U.S. should take steps to safeguard their operations
Southeast Regional Ag News
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expires next year, and that’s raising big challenges for farmers and ranchers, according to National Cattlemen’s President Mark Eisele.
Line on Agriculture
"Some says it's not if, but when," says Peter Orwick, Executive Director of the Amerian Sheep Industry Association referring to a livestock disease outbreak.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Amid recent controverSy, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President Mark Eisele tells of Department of Defense confirmation that lab-grown protein is not on the menu for service members.
Southeast Regional Ag News
From the USDA, the rule “would tackle longstanding challenges around interpretations of unfairness and competitive injury for the livestock, meat, and poultry sectors.”
Line on Agriculture
Although lab-grown meat is not available in the U.S. yet, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association is supporting labeling of lab-grown meat as "imitation" on store shelves so that consumers know what the products are before they make their protein choice.
California Ag Today
The NCBA, along with its Canadian and Mexican counterparts, have signed a joint statement pledging to work together.
Line on Agriculture
While NCBA supports the House version of the Farm Bill, they feel the Senate version lacks direct producer input.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Coming from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and CattleFax, a new resource has been developed specifically to help with culling decisions
Line on Agriculture
National Cattlemen's Beef Association Vice President, Ehtan Lane says despite recent market softening, high demand continues and an established support system prevents producers from experiencing major losses.
Line on Agriculture
Executive Director of Government Affairs, Kent Bacus explains why The National Cattlemen's Beef Association Took Part in The World Meat Congress.
Line on Agriculture
NCBA Executive Director of Government Affairs, Kent Bacus attended the World Meat Congress.
Southeast Regional Ag News
NCBA and NPPC lean strangling on three-legged stool for animal health preparedness.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Outbreaks of FMD have occurred off the coast of Australia and Indonesia, making it even more important to be prepared in the United States.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Despite a splash of allegations on social media, the NCBA reiterates that there are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the U.S.
Line on Agriculture
National Cattlemen's Beef Association, General Council, Mary Thomas-Hart is concerned about further WOTUS Confusion With New Court Decision
Line on Agriculture
NCBA is Actively Engaged in the 2023 Farm Bill Process