Science Must Back Meat Industry Decisions

Lorrie Boyer
“We still want to make sure that some people may wonder, well, why are we concerned about this? Why should we be engaged, and the simple message I would have there is that these conversations are going to happen with or without us. And so we need to make sure that US producers are properly represented, we can't trust other people to do that. We have to step up and do that, that science really is the driver behind all of these things, otherwise, the NGOs and the activist groups, they're going to be involved in a lot of these other UN meetings that are out there a lot of these other big global meetings. So it's important that we stay engaged, and that we're the ones that are standing up for producers. And so that's one of the reasons why NCBA looks for these opportunities, not only to engage with our governments but to engage on the international scale because these conversations are very important that we can't take for granted that someone will just accept the way we've done things for a long time.”
Kent Bacus with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.