12/04/06 PNW Grains Conference this week

12/04/06 PNW Grains Conference this week

Farm and Ranch December 4, 2006 The Oregon Wheat Growers League, Washington Association of Wheat Growers, Idaho Grain Producers Association, along with wheat and barley producers from throughout the Pacific Northwest will converge upon the Doubletree Lloyd Center in Portland, Oregon for this year's Pacific Northwest Grains Conference. The event is this week running Wednesday through Friday December 6th through the 8th. Tammy Dennee, executive director of the Oregon Wheat Growers League says things kick off Wednesday at noon with a focus on the next farm bill. Dennee: "We will hear from representatives from American Farmland Trust, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, National Association of Wheat Growers and the National Barley Growers representatives will all be there on a panel giving their priorities and perspectives on the 2007 farm bill. And once we kick off the conference with that session then we will move right into educational breakout sessions. We are very excited about this program." The Keynote address to the Conference will be delivered by Ross Korves, economic policy analyst. Ross provides economic policy analysis to the ProExporter Network, a transportation, grain processing and renewable energy research/analysis group; and trade policy/biotechnology analysis to Truth About Trade and Technology, a group begun and run by farmers and ranchers who believe in increased international trade and the use of biotechnology. I'm Bob Hoff and that's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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