12/01/06 Wash Potato Commission planning

12/01/06 Wash Potato Commission planning

Farm and Ranch December 1, 2006 The Washington State Potato Commission is celebrating its 50th anniversary. And as it reflects on its past Commission Executive Director Chris Voigt says there is also a focus on the future with a long range planning meeting scheduled for December 12th and 13th at the Pasco Red Lion Hotel. Voigt: "Really look at some key trends that are happening in the industry and what the impact on the industry might be so that we can better anticipate what kind of changes we need to make today in order to meet the needs of our customers in the future." Some key issues to be discussed are China and its potential to be a competitor, corporate requirements that suppliers meet certain food safety, environmental and social criteria, changing consumer demographics and water and other natural resource issues. Voigt: "You know this meeting anyone is invited with an interest in the potato industry. We want to make it available to anybody to have input into what should be the focus for not only the Commission but for the industry as a whole and how we can proceed into the future. So, again it is open to anyone with an interest in the potato industry." Please RSVP the Potato Commission office if you plan to attend to they can have enough materials available. Call 509-765-8845. Again that long range planning session is December 12th and 13th at the Pasco Red Lion Hotel beginning at 8:30 a.m. on the 12th. That's the Northwest Farm and Ranch Report. Brought to you in part by the Washington State Potato Commission. Nutrition today! Good health tomorrow! I'm Bob Hoff on the Northwest Ag Information Network.
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