Silver Pear Award Pt 1

Silver Pear Award Pt 1

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. The Washington State Tree Fruit Association presented several awards at their annual meeting in Yakima last month.

One of those honors was the Silver Pear Award that recognizes outstanding service to the pear industry. This year’s recipient was longtime Mount Adams Fruit employee and pear grower Ed Ing of Hood River, Oregon …

ING … “Truly, I’m excited that I won this award. I’m surprised and honored at the same time. That’s an award that has been given to many outstanding pear growers throughout the years.”

Many previous winners, Ing says were friends and so much more …

ING … “I’ve known some of them as mentors and gotten a lot of guidance from some of the past winners including my father who was a Silver Pear Award winner. So, it’s really, truly an honor to be recognized by your piers in a close, you know, tightknit pear community.

Pears and other tree fruit, Ing says is what he does …

ING … “I’ve been farming my own properties for 35 years now. I’ve worked 42 years for Mount Adams Fruit. So, that’s been my occupation and farming is the second part of it as a family endeavor and so I’ve just been all about pears all these years. I also do farm some apples and a few cherries, but pears are my main crop.”

Tune in tomorrow for more from the 2024 Silver Pear award winner, Ed Ing.

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