Farm Workforce Modernization Act in 2025
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. With so many labor challenges existing for agriculture, finding answers to labor reform is critical for the industry.I asked U.S. Representative, and new member of the House Ag Committee, Dan Newhouse if he’ll keep pushing his Farm Workforce Modernization Act that he’s been working for a few years …
NEWHOUSE … “Absolutely! And, in fact, some people are pushing to get it passed this Congress yet. Times running out on that, but that’s still very high on my priority list and we will continue pushing that.”
And, the Sunnyside Republican says more and more of his colleagues are jumping on board …
NEWHOUSE … “I’m gaining support for that, all the time. People recognize the importance of a legal workforce and recognize how important immigrants are to the agricultural industry.”
And the farmers, Newhouse says have really been out there doing their part to spread this message …
NEWHOUSE … “The good thing is farmers all over the country are communicating with their members of Congress and telling them how big of a problem this is. And so, you know that’s going to drive getting this done. So, I continue to be optimistic and understand the challenge and the work ahead to get it through, but if we can clean up our borders, we’ll be able to get a lot of things done.”
Newhouse says the growing support he’s seen in recent months gives him hope that it will get done early in the next session, but with a pretty lengthy to-do list it might take a little more time.