H5n1 webinars

H5n1 webinars

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
The intent and end goal of the recently announced National Milk Testing Strategy, designed to expand monitoring, detection and response efforts to H5n1 in dairy cattle. According to Julie Gautier of the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Speaker2: We've got five stages identified. These aren't necessarily linear. States do not have to move through every stage. There's a lot of flexibility. Ultimately, at the end of this process, we want to be able to declare the United States free of avian influenza in dairy cattle. Speaker1: Information webinars are also scheduled by Aphis for Tuesday and Wednesday this week, by invitation to state animal health officials and dairy regulators. To learn more about the national plant silo monitoring and sample procedures. The new strategy is the latest effort in a detection and prevention approach, including increased biosecurity and research.

Speaker1: We're planning two webinars for dairy regulatory agencies on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in the morning, and we'll have a brief PowerPoint mainly focusing on that stage one process of sampling silos across the country and asking those dairy regulatory agencies to sample the silos for us and get those silos tested as quickly as we can. Then we'll also have two webinars in the afternoon on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, specifically for the dairy industry, so that anyone associated with dairy production can attend those webinars and get an overview of primarily, we'll be focusing on that stage one silo monitoring process. We'll walk through the process of the silo monitoring as we see that unfolding, and then have a chance to answer any questions that the group might have. We've partnered with the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shippers, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, to set up these webinars for the dairy industry and the dairy regulators. And those invitations will be going out both from USDA and from the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shippers and Sims.

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