Specialty Crop Program Applications and ACCESS Act Passes Senate

Specialty Crop Program Applications and ACCESS Act Passes Senate

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.

**The USDA Farm Service Agency’s $2 billion Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops Program is now accepting applications through January 8th.

The goal of the program is to help specialty crop producers expand markets and manage higher costs.

FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux says specialty crop growers have typically faced higher marketing and handling costs relative to non-specialty crop producers due to the perishability of fruits, vegetables, floriculture, nursery crops, and herbs.

For information, go to www.fsa.usda.gov.

**The “Access to Capital Creates Economic Strength and Supports Rural America Act” unanimously passed in the Senate.

The ACCESS Act expands rural broadband access by easing the burden of regulatory costs for smaller broadband providers that rural communities rely on.

The legislation provides regulatory relief to rural telecommunications service providers by allowing them to submit streamlined financial reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

**The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association hailed a nationwide preliminary injunction blocking the Corporate Transparency Act from being enforced.

The U.S. District Court ruling protects millions of family farmers and ranchers from onerous reporting requirements imposed by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

NCBA Executive Director of Government Affairs Kent Bacus says cattle producers are relieved this mandate is on hold while the law is being considered by the courts.

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