Fairness in cattle markets

Fairness in cattle markets

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Part of a recent announcement of USDA efforts to promote fair and competitive markets for ag producers, while lowering prices for consumers. The latest rulemaking steps to enhance price discovery and fairness in cattle markets under the Packers and Stockyards Act. USDA Senior Advisor Andy Green says with the advance notice of proposed rulemaking, these are ideas we want to get impact from everyone in the industry and public. And so it will be available up on the Federal Register Regulations.gov. You'll certainly find information about it right now at AMS’s Fair and Competitive Markets webpage. AMS fair and competitive markets. The focus of comments is on potential interventions to develop new benchmarks for what are called alternative marketing agreements. The use of regional cash or spot prices as base prices for fed cattle formula pricing agreements, as well as trading using AMA benchmarks.

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