Is Your Marketing Working?
![Tim Hammerich](/Assets/UserImages/user_5db8744c65c9e803206005_300_300.jpg)
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
There’s a lot of noise out there, and there’s a good chance your marketing is getting lost in it. But how do you know if you’re making progress and just not giving it enough time or your messages are dead on arrival? Dan Schultz says when he works with ag companies, he encourages them to be data-informed, but not data-dependent. He believes it's better to make hypotheses and measure against those.
Schultz... "If you make a hypothesis and all of a sudden, you know, you're six months in and that hasn't happened yet, then you have to have a real come-to-Jesus moment and say, is it latent? Is it waiting to be uncovered? Or is this something that we were wrong about? Is this hypothesis wrong? And we need to tweak it and move quickly. And so as we're having those innovative conversations, I think it's important to look at it as, a set of hypotheses, not necessarily a set of data-driven decisions. Because if you look at any one of these companies, again, I'm going to move outside of agriculture just for a moment, just to make this point. But if you look at any of these companies like Airbnb, Five Hour Energy, like Red Bull, like Dyson, for example, all these companies, they were doing things and saying things and selling things that didn't make sense at the time that they were being sold. And now they're multi-billion dollar companies. And so it's not necessarily that we have to be able to look back and say, the past tells us that the future is going to look like this it's the past tells us that the future is going to look like this, but here's how we can potentially tweak that potentially move that just a bit so that we can create this net new value in the marketplace."