New USDA LMR Live Cattle Data Dashboard Now Available

New USDA LMR Live Cattle Data Dashboard Now Available

Russell Nemetz
Russell Nemetz
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) today announced the Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) Live Cattle Data Dashboard tool is now available. In June 2024, USDA announced the pending launch of this new tool, which provides users the ability to view and access LMR live cattle market information in a manner that is easy to use and understand. The LMR Dashboard is part of a series of ongoing efforts by AMS to make access to USDA Market News information more user-friendly.

AMS has also started publishing additional information on the actual net premiums and discounts paid to cattle producers by packers under formula marketing arrangements on the National Weekly Direct Slaughter Cattle Report – Formulated and Forward Contract report and detailed quality grade price distribution information on the National Weekly Fed Cattle Comprehensive report.

In the last several years, AMS has offered these data in new and modern ways to ensure all stakeholders have access to the information they need to efficiently market their agricultural products. The enhanced insight gained from these tools gives producers equitable footing with large volume data users and fosters a fairer and more competitive marketplace.

Source: USDA

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