Is Digital Ag Revolutionary?
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Agriculture is in the midst of a digital revolution. But how much has really changed in the industry due to digital technologies? Livio Tedeschi of BASF says he sees it as the glue that keeps several different types of technologies together.
Tedeschi… “We develop technologies for weed management, disease management, productivity enhancement. So you tended to have one single problem and one technology to go with it. If you're weed management, you want to know what weeds you have to control and then what the best product to do exactly that. Now when it comes to delivering high yields and have a reduction in carbon emission, that becomes a much more complicated situation and you have to put together different pieces. And I think the ability to do that without digital technology is very limited, because you cannot predict lightly the effect of changing multiple variable at the same time. I think if you look at agriculture as trying to deliver not only higher productivity, but a lot of additional outcomes, then digital agriculture is really revolutionary because it's the one thing which helps you put together all those technologies you have today.”
That’s BASF’s President of BASF Agricultural Solutions, Livio Tedeschi.