re:generations Programs

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Agtech startups and multinational agribusiness corporations are both diving headfirst into regenerative agriculture. For example, this past year agtech platform and farmer-to-farmer network Farmers Business Network partnered with ADM to power the expansion of ADM’s re:generations programs. FBN co-founder Charles Baron says this gives farmers more access to premium programs.
Baron… “FBN is the monitoring and verification partner for ADMs Regenerations program. So any one participating in an ADM sustainability program is managed through FBN's Gradable. So if you sell grain to ADM, you integrate with the FBN account and the FBN app, then you're eligible for premium payments up to $10 to $25 an acre. Those programs we've now doubled this year. We expect to have over 3000 producers on them nationally. In the past year, uh, through these programs, we paid out over $22 million in total premium rewards to growers. So these are starting to really reach material scale and material volume. And it's tremendously exciting to see being able to do sustainability at scale in the grains enabled by combining a technology platform like FBN with a massive grain logistics infrastructure like ADMs.”
Baron says this is just one of the programs that FBN is leveraging to bring more value to farmer members.