National Cattmen's Beef Association Supports House Farm Bill Framework

Lorrie Boyer
“NCBA has come out strongly in support of the House version and the language that we've seen their chairman Thompson has been really great on visiting everywhere across the country visiting with cattle producers across the country and seeing what needs they have in this bill. We know that our animal health priorities are going to be met in the House bill, as well as our voluntary conservation needs and other items in there, as well as keeping out the pesky livestock title that we've continued to push back on.
As for the Senate version,
“On the Senate side, you know, the bill is not quite as much as what we were hoping for. But we will continue to work with both the House and Senate to get the bill across the finish line.”
In addition to Rivera's remarks NCBA, Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane, responded by saying that the Senate Agriculture Committee majority has failed to engage in the same level of outreach to real cattle producers, and their framework reflects that lack of producer input. He says the NCBA looks forward to the House Agriculture committees may 23. Farm Bill markup and the organization will continue engaging with members of the committee's to advocate for the cattle industry.