Re-Shoring Manufacturing of Food and Ag Equipment
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
The globalization of the food system has opened up new markets for American grown products, but it also has led to less domestic manufacturing. Jim Taylor of Forage Capital Partners sees this as an opportunity for the North American ag industry.
Taylor… “To bring a lot of that stuff back to North America. There's a reshoring opportunity, I think. And I think that, our manufacturing business that we own, that's grown so quickly, one of the largest benefits to us has been, when supply chains went wonky. We went out and you initial play was, we went long, long inventory on some stuff that we knew other people were going to have a hard time getting, and we were the only guys who had it. From there, we, really became the sole source provider to a whole new set of companies. And we see that in food and we sure see it in equipment. A lot of the big ag equipment guys, they want certainty of supply. They want shorter supply chains. And we're taking advantage of that and I think there's way more of that to be done.”
Taylor also sees future opportunities in precision agriculture and reducing our industry’s environmental footprint.