To Fund or Not to Fund the GA Citrus Commission
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.April showers bring May flowers and, in the world of Georgia citrus, the month may also yield an assessment collected from citrus growers. Here’s the scoop from the Georgia Farm Bureau:
From April 1-30, Georgia citrus producers can vote in a referendum to determine if they will fund the newly formed Georgia Citrus Commission. If growers pass the referendum, the commission will begin collecting a minimal assessment from citrus growers to carry out research, education and promotion projects coordinated by the commission to benefit the state’s newest commodity sector. The commission consists of Georgia citrus growers.
Last year Georgia citrus growers asked the Georgia legislature to create the Commission, which legislators did through House Bill 545.
The members of the commission have set the assessment rate for the market order to be no more than two tenths of a cent ($0.002) per pound of packed and marketed fruit. This applies to Georgia producers who market or have the potential to market 50,000 lbs. or more of citrus fruit annually.
If you’re a qualified Georgia citrus grower and did not receive a ballot, you’re encouraged to contact Andy Harrison at the Georgia Department of Agriculture by calling 404-710-1196 or via email