More FL Ag Land Preserved Through Easements
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Last week Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson announced the protection of over 8,000 acres of Florida agricultural land through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Rural and Family Lands Protection Program. With the approval by the Governor and Cabinet, approximately 8,349 acres of working agricultural lands will be preserved through rural land protection easements totaling $25,296,000.
“Today’s approval to partner with Heart Bar Ranch and Rainey Pasture to preserve over 8,000 acres of productive agricultural land through the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program is another huge win for the state of Florida,” said Commissioner Wilton Simpson.
Heart Bar Ranch is a cattle, timber, wildlife management, and seed operation in Osceola County. The easement consists of approximately 3,080 acres of native or semi-native habitat for wildlife, much of which also supports cattle grazing.
Rainey Pasture is a timber operation in Marion County. The easement consists of approximately 5,269 acres, is in the Silver Springs Watershed, is situated along the western floodplain of the Ocklawaha River, and provides several miles of river protection.