Future Agtech Innovations and Challenges
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
The ag tech space has seen immense changes over the last decade, and CEO & co-founder of Croptismic Technology, Cory Willness, believes there’s still a lot of opportunity ahead. One example that he sites is in the area of precision soil sampling.
Willness... "In the future, we'll be driving around with trucks, punching dirt with probes, and sending dirt to labs, and I think it's 10 years away, because we're working heavily on that, investing in that as well. I think it's going to take a long time to get all that technology developed that works, and integrates well. So that's what I see good promise in."
As for a technology he sees as having challenges in broad acre crops, he points to drone sprayers.
Willness... "Drones are coming along, but I still see it as the high-value market, personally. I don't see drones being heavily used in 10 to 20 years. Now, having said that, I see there's some very good technology out there, but I just don't know how you're going to displace a sprayer that can see and spray, and you have one person servicing themselves, you 000 acres, which happens today. I just don't see you have some geek running around with 20 drones and trying to keep all this stuff working like my experience with it's just not for that purpose."
Again that’s Croptismic Technology founder and CEO, Cory Willness.