Online Grocery Shopping and Farm Numbers Lowest Since Civil War

Online Grocery Shopping and Farm Numbers Lowest Since Civil War

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update. I’m Bob Larson.

**Data from USDA’s Economic Research Service shows that nearly 20% of shoppers purchased groceries online in 2022, but the frequency varied.

Among those who bought groceries online in 2022, 30.2% did it once, 25.1% did it twice, and 44.7% purchased groceries online three or more times.

Time constraints were the main reason people bought groceries online, while others prefer being able to see and touch products in person.

**The national average gas price fell for the first time in over a month.

The average gas price stands at $3.24 per gallon, down 1.9 cents from a week earlier.

The national average is up 13.3 cents from a month ago but 9.2 cents lower than a year ago.

The national average DIESEL price fell 2.6 cents last week and stands at $4.06 per gallon, 33 cents lower than a year ago.

**The number of farms in the U.S. has fallen below 2 million for the first time since before the Civil War, according to the 2022 Census of Agriculture.

In 2022, there were over 1.9 million farms in the country, 7% fewer that reported in the 2017 Census.

A farm is defined as an establishment that produces and sells at least $1,000 in ag production in a year.

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