Send A Message-WSTFA Pt 2

Send A Message-WSTFA Pt 2

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. With everything going on in Olympia lately, the ag industry is being called on to help lawmakers make better, more informed decisions.

Jon DeVaney, president of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, says sometimes the issues need to be spelled out for them …

DeVANEY … “That’s why it’s so important that we all be watching these issues and not just saying, what are they thinking, but speak up and explain it to them. If they don’t understand, it’s our job to explain it to them and then ask them to change course. And that’s what we’re doing, reaching out to our members and encouraging them to contact their legislators to raise these concerns.”

The message, DeVaney says is slow and steady …

DeVANEY … “You can’t be pushing ahead so fast that you put some of the most environmentally friendly businesses out of business and shift production to other states and countries where the standards may be very different and you end up with a net loss of ground, if you will, on forward movement on some of these conservation measures.”

Everyone, DeVaney says should sign up …

DeVANEY … “If they’re not already signed up for our updates from the tree fruit association they should be and they should get in touch with us and we can make sure they’re on that distribution list. And then when we have these kinds of issues come up, we give advice on how you can sign in, how to go about registering your opinion so that you are not just left to figure it out on your own.”

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