While talking with hunting dog breeder and trainer Bob Farris, I had a question.Tell me what line breeding is. Speaker2: Line breeding is breeding to a family. And this is what Bob Whaley was so famous for with Lehew Kennels is being able to line breed. He was doing it before the computer software was available. But line breeding is just take a dog and call him Max. A really strong line breeding would be Max would be the grandfather. And on the other side of the pedigree, he'd be the grandfather. On the male side, he would be the great grandfather on the mother's side. And if you put that dog Max, in every generation for, say, five generations, and you can keep the coefficient of inbreeding below 25%, you just hit a home run. Just as an example of the coefficient of inbreeding, if you breed your sister, that number would be 50%. So when you start looking at the coefficient of inbreeding and you start seeing it get above 25%, you're headed towards inbreeding. You watch the movie deliverance. There's a best example of inbreeding. As a breeder, you really want to avoid that. Speaker1: The statistical science of line breeding in order to avoid a deliverance situation.