Trusted Technical Advisors

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
In a world full of AI-generated information, are trusted farm advisors still valuable? John Kempf, founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture believes especially in agriculture, nothing compares to a credible human expert.
Kempf... "Many people have identified that one of the key pieces that there's a desperate need for is trusted technical advisors. People who have the depth and the breadth of knowledge to be confident in facilitating a transition. People who have already walked the path before. And we have a great team of people like that. We invest years, and a lot of money, in training and development before an individual is ready to start making recommendations on their own. That's a scaling problem. And having, having an agronomy computation engine can help solve for that scaling problem by making humans better. Not by replacing them, but by making them better."
One of the shortfalls of ag technology sometimes is not being able to assess a dynamic problem and adjust the strategy accordingly.
Kempf... "If you develop ag tech tools for the current system, do they just exacerbate the problems that currently exist? For example, is any ag tech tool going to recognize that you're applying too much hydrogen and too many PGRs on cotton? Far too many technology tools help you do the current thing better. They don't help you rethink the fundamentals of the system."
Kempf believes instead of solely relying on one or the other, advisors and technology should be paired together for the best outcome.