Farm Bill Extension Worries Pt 1
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. The Farm Bill extension is a matter some welcomed, but most in agriculture are wondering why it didn’t get done in the first place OR if it will get done next year.…
THATCHER … “I don't know that I think kicking the can down the road is great news.
If it’s going to get done, Thatcher says don’t wait …
THATCHER … “I hope we can get it done early next year. People say, oh, now we’ve got an extension until September 30th, but really we didn’t because you can’t pass it right before the election. You know, if it’s not done by probably May of next year, we’re toast again.”
Thatcher says her optimism is waning …
THATCHER … “I just don’t see any reason to be really enthusiastic because we’re not going to get more money next year. We might get less. And some big issue are still outstanding.”
But, Thatcher says there are those who will push a new farm bill …
THATCHER … “Well, I think there are going to be a lot of rural Republicans and rural Democrats that are going to say, yeah, I’ve got to have this before the election.”
Thatcher says there are just so many issues …
THATCHER … “You know, the problem is whether it’s the Ag Appropriations Bill that’s stuck on this, you know, can you mail this abortion drug out via mail, or whether it’s, you know, let’s cut food stamps, is a very high-level fundamental issue. Those issues aren’t going away. You know, we just have a lot of those high-level issues we’ve gotta work through.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on getting a farm bill done.