More Dollars for Agriculture Students
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Yesterday’s program discussed dollars being awarded to veterinary students willing to put in a shift in the state of Georgia. Today, we’re talking about money for graduate students pursuing meat science and animal agriculture careers. Specifically, the National Cattlemen’s Foundation is now accepting applications for the W.D. Farr Scholarship program.
Through the program, two $15,000 grants are awarded to graduate students who demonstrate superior achievement in academics and leadership and are committed to the advancement of the beef industry.
Graduate students must apply online by submitting a cover letter, goals and experience, a short essay, statement of belief in the industry, as well as a review of the applicant's graduate research and three letters of recommendation by September 22, 2023.
The 2023 scholarship recipients will be recognized at CattleCon 2024. The scholarship honors the successful career of the late W.D. Farr, a third-generation Coloradan, pioneer rancher, statesman and banker known for his extraordinary vision. For more information and to apply for the scholarship, visit