Georgia to Pay Off Your Student Loans
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Want help paying off your student loans? If that education is in veterinary sciences and you’re ready, willing, and able to work in Georgia, listen up!
Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper has now announced that the Georgia Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program (GVELRP) is open for applications for the 2024 cycle. The GVELRP provides financial relief through student loan repayment for veterinarians willing to provide at least 20 hours per week, for at least one year, of veterinary services, in designated rural counties for food animals in shortage areas around the state.
The Georgia General Assembly approved $90,000 for program funding, allowing up to $18,000 in award payments for up to five award recipients. Applications will be accepted from August 1st, 2023, through September 30th, 2023. The State Veterinary Education Board will review, determine, and announce award recipients in December 2023.
So, if this sounds good, you do have time, but it will be the end of September before we know it. For detailed program information and to apply, visit