The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Farming

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
With the recent hype of artificial intelligence in all facets of technology, how will it play a role in farming operations? Tule Technologies CEO and co-founder Tom Shapland believes AI can help with analyzing robust data in the agriculture industry.
Shapland… “You have a problem you need to solve. There are a suite of different data modeling approaches you can take. It just so happens that some of these data modeling approaches that fit under the category of AI, can be really powerful for solving for some of these data modeling problems - substantially more powerful than the old way, the other ways of doing it.”
John Gates, senior vice president and head of global product at CropX Technologies, agrees that it is a necessary tool, but admits it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
Gates… “We have a lot of examples in the specific needs in the product that has been filled with some kind of AI or machine learning-backed thing. But it's a role player, right. It’s not like the cure-all, be-all, end-all. I can point to individual product features on our platform that I think have been key to our success with certain markets and segments, that I wouldn’t have been able to do without this category of technology.”
Further research is needed to know to what extent this tool will be used in the future of agriculture.