Ag Groups Like McKalip Confirmation and Egg Prices Hit Record Levels
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**America’s leading ag groups applauded the Senate confirmation of Doug McKalip as the new Chief Agricultural Negotiator.
The U.S. Grains Council says McKalip, “combines extensive international experience and almost 30 years of government service at USDA to help advance trade priorities and open up global markets.”
U.S. Meat Export Federation President Dan Halstrom says filling McKalip’s position was essential as the U.S. is currently engaged in negotiations with several key trading partners.
**New American Farm Bureau analysis examines several farm bill risk management tools included in Title 1 and explains the impact and importance to farmers.
The analysis provides historical perspectives, including changes made in the 2018 Farm Bill to reauthorize and strengthen the PLC and ARC price and revenue programs.
AFB Economist Shelby Myers says one factor remains consistent as farmers and ranchers face unprecedented challenges, and that’s the need for a variety of risk management options.
**Egg prices are hitting record levels. Free Republic Dot Com says the surge in price is being driven by an avian-influenza outbreak that’s killed tens of millions of chickens and turkeys in the U.S. this year.
Retail egg prices are rising faster than any other items in American supermarkets in 2022, up 30% from January through early December compared to the same period last year.