Largent at Hort Show Pt 1
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. If you’re attending the Washington State Tree Fruit Association’s Annual Meeting and Hort Expo next week, one of the speakers will be very familiar with Seahawks fans.
Seahawk great and Hall of Fame receiver Steve Largent will be the keynote speaker Monday morning to deliver a message of teamwork in the tree fruit industry …
LARGENT … “That’s all about teamwork. Competitors United for a Common Goal is all about working together, I mean, that’s what I did for a lot of my life playing football, both in high school, college and in the NFL for sure. And so, it’s a vein that, you know, I’m very familiar with and believe in. So, it would be from that framework that I’m speaking.”
And these days, Largent says teamwork is more important than ever …
LARGENT … “It’s not something that is foreign to me, but it is so important in the agricultural community to be on the same page and be speaking with one voice when you’re talking about government regulation and all the expenses that are multiplying at a rapid pace.”
But working together, doesn’t mean your not competitive …
LARGENT … “Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, it makes you even more competitive, I think. But there are some goals that you can have in common that don’t have anything to do with, you know, your competitors, but have to do with being able to deliver a quality product.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on Steve Largent’s teamwork message at next week’s WSTFA Hort Show.