E15 Reaction
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. IowaSenator Chuck Grassley has some tough words for President Biden after the Washington Post exposed Biden’s April closed-door criticism of a summertime E15 waiver he
reluctantly okayed …
GRASSLEY … “My mother always told me, always tell the truth, and you don’t have to worry about what you told somebody else. So, this could apply in another way, don’t say one thing in public and another thing behind closed doors.”
Grassley was asked if he felt misled by the President who campaigned on ethanol in the Midwest after badgering staff privately about it …
GRASSLEY … “It proves just how out of touch he is with the reality of high gas prices for people that have to travel far for their jobs in Iowa and the Midwest.”
Grassley says fortunately, the House will vote shortly on a permanent ‘fix’ for summertime E15 sales, but as part of a package House Republicans may oppose to create a USDA special investigator on Packers and Stockyards violations …
GRASSLEY … “And I don’t understand Republican leadership in the House of Representatives listening to the meat industry and listening to the American Meat Institute on all these things. It’s the very same thing that we’re fighting on the Grassley-Fisher bill.”
To create a regional system of negotiated cattle pricing to help independent producers compete with contract producers beholden to the Big Four packers, a bill Grassley says Senate Ag could act on, soon.