Digital Playbooks for Farmers

Digital Playbooks for Farmers

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
It’s time for your Farm of the Future Report. I’m Tim Hammerich.

Farmers utilize tools every day, whether that’s a tractor, sprayer, combine, or digital technology. It’s important, however, to know how those tools are accomplishing their overall goals, and when it comes to digital technologies that may not always be obvious. This is where The Yield’s digital playbook can really be helpful, says CEO Ros Harvey.

Harvey… “What they experience is three things: activity windows, which are optimized for each crop as they go through the growing season. They get delivered in activity windows, whether it's spraying or nutrition or irrigation, the best time going out 14 days to actually do that. And what they can do is they can adjust the models that we use for their own thresholds because every grower has their own sort of rules of thumb, if you like, so it can be very personalized. And they can also match it to their portfolio of products that they're using.”

Harvey says these crop specific playbooks pay dividends when it comes to risk and return on investment.

Harvey… “We then also have these risk assessments, like traffic lights, and also efficacy assessments, which are the efficacy of the product that's actually been used. So windows and traffic lights gives you a really simple unified interface on every decision you're making on farm in a really simple to use digital playbook.”

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