With today’s Fruit Growers Report, I’m Bob Larson.Technology in agriculture is changing rapidly at every turn. It’s making our work easier, more efficient, and more effective.
One company that’s playing a big role in these changes is
Phytech, a company that helps growers optimize their production.
Phytech’s Travis Klicker says they do it by connecting growers with their plants …
KLICKER … “The one that we kind of like to call Phytech by is, ‘it’s very similar to a Fit Bit or a Smart Watch for plants,’ being able to kind of just get the direct pulse of the plant.”
Klicker says they use a few different pieces of equipment, but …
KLICKER … “The core of the system is using what’s known as a dendrometer which captures basically the expansion and the contraction of a trunk in real time. So, it’s a sensor that we put on the side of the plant and we’re able to actually see when the swelling and the contracting occur based on the water uptake into the plant and then the release of that to new shoot growth and new fruit growth.”
Klicker says it keeps you well informed …
KLICKER … “But then there’s also some of that water that’s lost to evapotranspiration, which is one of the key factors that many, many farms are trying to manage, managing how much water to put on.”
Klicker says it takes out a lot of the guesswork …
KLICKER … “That’s exactly right, yeah, what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to fine-tune it to where anyone that they’re trying to bring into their organization can look at the right information and plug and play with it and be able to get the right results and the right action items from it.”
To learn more about Phytech, go to … that’s p-h-y-t-e-c-h dot com.
To learn more about Phytech and how they can reduce your water usage and increase plant size, go to