Pomegranates Dec 3
Mike Stephens
News Reporter
We had a pretty good yield that had a nice quality, sold quite a quite a large percentage for the fresh market, and we're just finishing up just a little bit for the juice market right now. You know, I kind of set my price with my customers and I said it at the same cost as last year. So when I help them move the product too, so it's not a big item for me. And so the main thing is just moving quickly and I sell them mostly to watermelon customers I have since I have the contact and have the program going already, then yeah, we just kind of move those in at the tail end of the season. Well, at one time. Actually, I purchased a ranch that had pomegranates on it. And so we we just stayed with them. We we kept those going and we had a couple of bad years and then a couple of real good years. And then I planted a little bit more because, you know, going through those good years, I thought, Wow, this is pretty, pretty good deal. But then everything collapsed. I forget when it was exactly, but probably around eight years ago. So we pulled some out and saved someone on another ranch and just just just to have some just to tinker with.