ClicR Technologies 2

ClicR Technologies 2

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Weighing in on cattle, literally. Joey Spicola, CEO of ClicR Technologies, has designed a system using advanced 3-D imaging and data management to scalelessly and accurately weigh livestock, be it cattle, pigs, you name it. While we were talking about his business. I had a question. I'm going to describe what I think and Can you tell me why I'm wrong? OK, you're set up with a very fancy camera and some form of mathematical platform. You take a picture of a cow and outcomes the weight. That's exactly right. When the animal comes up to get a drink of water, be it a swine at a hog barn or out in the pasture or in a pen for cattle, he puts his head down and when he puts his head down and starts drinking water, we will start scanning that animal. We have an RFID tag on the animal's ear, a reader to pick up that tag number. So we identify each animal by that RFID tag number and we start scanning. We're scanning hundreds and hundreds of times while they're there for, say, 30 seconds or a minute. And at the end of the day, we average all those scans and we produce a weight. We provide the rancher with an average daily gain. We provide them with the weight, provide him with a picture of that animal, and he actually can watch the animal grow from day to day to day to day until that animal is harvested. The same with swine.
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