NW Hort Expo Pt 1
With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. If you haven’t yet registered for the 117th Annual Washington State Tree Fruit Association Meeting and NW Hort Expo, coming up December 6th thru 8th in Yakima … there’s still time!One of this year’s featured speakers is Geopolitical Strategist Peter Zeihan who will touch on such topics as what today’s crazy world is doing to the supply chain …
ZEIHAN … “You’ve got problems with transport, we have problems in production, we’ve got whiplashing demand patterns on our side of the Pacific. And, we’re about to have significant breakdowns in production on the Western side of the Pacific.”
And, Zeihan says don’t expect “normal” any time soon …
ZEIHAN … “You add it all up and we should not expect the current supply chain issues that we’re facing to clear up before the end of next year at the absolute earliest, more likely the end of 2023.”
And every little hic up along the way, Zeihan says sets us back …
ZEIHAN … “Every time we have a lockdown, every time we have an opening, every time we have a mass vaccination event, every time we have a mass anti-vaxer event, every single one resets what our demand is. And it takes a year for manufacturing supply chains to adapt to that.”
Until then, Zeihan says get used to it …
ZEIHAN … “So, until we’re all more or less on the same page as regards COVID, and we all agree that it’s behind us, this is our normal.”
Tune in tomorrow for more from NW Hort Expo speaker, Peter Zeihan.