Farmers Build Their Own Food Brand
![Tim Hammerich](/Assets/UserImages/user_5db8744c65c9e803206005_300_300.jpg)
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
As we look into the future of farming, we are likely to see producers capture more of the value of their crops by building brands. Oregon farmer Brent LaFollette has been thinking about this for a long time, and eventually partnered with a couple of friends a few years ago to launch Premium Growers Hazelnuts. Now that they’re products are commercially available, he says it has been a rewarding experience.
LaFollette… “One of the most rewarding aspects for me, in the last few months as we've rolled up product out and handed it out to friends and neighbors and complete strangers through different opportunities. The feedback has just been amazing. It's been a very rewarding thing to put so much time and effort and money into creating a product and then to see the response being so positive. People saying that you've got a very unique product. I've never tasted anything like this, those kinds of responses. That's really rewarding because in the beginning, when we started into this two years ago, You really didn't know exactly what that response was going to be. We felt like we had it and we did a lot of research, did some focus groups to try our products first, before we dove in head first. And now we're seeing the rewards of those efforts and the more people that get them, the more positive responses come back.”
You can buy some Premium Growers Hazelnuts online at