Georgia Governor Confirms Farm Vaccines and Stabenow Lists Priorities
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has confirmed that food and agricultural workers will receive priority access to the COVID-19 vaccine starting this Monday, February 8th.
This is part of the Alabama Department of Public Health Phase 1b distribution, which includes people over the age of 75 and non-health care frontline essential workers.
The Alabama Farmers Federation applauds her swift response, which will help protect critical workers in the food supply chain.
**Incoming Chair of the Senate Ag Committee, Democrat Debbie Stabenow of Michigan is laying out her list of needs for agriculture.
Stabenow tells topping her list of priorities is responding to COVID-19, the hunger crisis and the broken food supply chain, addressing the climate crisis with voluntary, producer-led, bipartisan solutions, fighting childhood hunger, job creation and an improved quality of life in rural America, AND laying the groundwork for the next bipartisan farm bill.
**Chapter 12 farm and family fishery bankruptcies fell in 2020, but still reached the third-highest level in a decade, according to data from the American Farm Bureau Federation.
The total number of Chapter 12 filings in 2020 was 552, down 43 filings, or 7%, from 2019.
AFBF tells, that while Chapter 12 bankruptcies have declined compared to year-ago levels, these numbers should not be considered a sign that the farm economy has recovered.