NPPC Applauds Regan for EPA Admin and Tyson Fires 7 for COVID Betting
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The nomination by President-Elect Biden Thursday of Michael Regan as the next EPA Administrator is being hailed by the National Pork Producers Council.
NPPC President Howard “AV” Roth says as Department of Environmental Quality secretary in North Carolina, he always had an open door, valued diverse points of view, and worked to find solutions that ensured science and data were guiding decisions.
Regan’s nomination will be considered by the Senate in January.
**The vitamin C content of citrus fruit has helped boost its popularity during the pandemic, and farmers who grow mandarins say they’ve seen more demand.
California Citrus Mutual says it expects increased volumes for this year’s mandarin harvest, which began last month and will continue for several more weeks.
Recent cool, wet weather has helped the fruit gain color, and farmers say they’re expecting a good mandarin season.
**Tyson Foods, the biggest U.S. meat processor, announced seven management employees have been fired at its hog slaughter plant in Waterloo, Iowa, following allegations of a betting pool over how many employees would contract COVID-19. reports, the dismissals resulted from a Tyson-financed investigation into the allegations, part of a lawsuit filed by the family of a worker who died of the disease.
More than 1,000 employees, about a third of the workforce, contracted COVID-19, and at least five died.