Idiot's Grace Wine
With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. Wine labels and varieties are nothing if not creative.One that caught my eye is down the Columbia River gorge outside of Mosier, Oregon. Trevor Hertrich is the “Director of Direction” at “Idiot’s Grace” winery … so I had to ask, what’s with the name …
HERTRICH … “So, we’ve stolen it from rock n’ roll, basically. The phrasing in an Indi-rock song from a band that is long-since faded and was obscure to start with and now is, basically has, yeah, is unfindable.”
Obviously, Hertrich hopes Idiot’s Grace isn’t a one-hit-wonder …
HERTRICH ... “Uh, God I hope not! We’re just hoping that they don’t mind that we’ve stolen the name and the fact that they’re no longer relevant, you know, has kept the lawyers at bay a little bit, maybe.”
He says they’ve been making wine since 2006 … but, Idiot’s Grace is NOT available in the big grocery chains …
HERTRICH … “No, because we only make about 2,000 cases a year so it’s really not enough to supply the larger chain stores so we find the best success in like smaller bottle shops and independent restaurants.”
But, he says Idiot’s Grace is not really that hard to find …
HERTRICH … “So, if you go online, we do sell our wine online. We ship it to, probably, a good 20 states currently. But, the best way to do it is if you come visit us and buy the wine at the site. That’s what we encourage so you get to see the place, get to see where it’s made, walk the vineyards, but failing that, online would be the next best option.”
Idiot’s Grace winery can be found about half way between the Dalles and Hood River just outside of Mosier.
MUSIC = 13 … fades …