Valent-FFA Sustainable Education and California Mushroom Demand
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank reports the effects of the pandemic continues to pressure the ag economy and weighs on farm finances in Midwest states.
Farm income declined in the second quarter at the quickest pace since 2016, and weaknesses in both income and borrower liquidity are expected into the coming months.
Ag credit conditions remain weak overall, but relatively stable. In the months ahead, bankers expect farm borrowers to have greater difficulty repaying loans.
**Mushroom farmers around California say they’ve reduced production as the pandemic cut demand from restaurants and other food-service customers.
Shipments had hit record highs late last year, before customers began cutting orders as restaurants closed or reduced business.
Several mushroom farmers say they’ve cut volumes as much as 30% in these see-saw markets. California ranks second in the nation in mushroom production.
**Valent U.S.A. has partnered with the National FFA to provide teachers with a first-of-its-kind “Sustainability in Agriculture Lesson Series.”
Available through FFA’s educator resources platform, ag teachers can use the free curriculum in both in-classroom and distance learning environments.
Inspired by ag educators, a Valent/FFA team developed eight lesson plans that enable middle and high school students to become familiar with sustainable ag, explore different sustainability processes, learn about emerging trends in the food value chain and prepare them to be educated ag leaders and consumers.