BASF Stamina F4 Pt 1
I'm Bob Larson. Eastern Washington produces some of the best quality wheat grown in the world, but growers face the same disease challenges seen across the nation.BASF Technical Service Representative Curtis Rainbolt says that's why Stamina F4 fungicide is here to help ...
RAINBOLT ... "What really sets it apart, in my mind, is it's got a total of four active ingredients, but two of them are really unique in the protection that they can offer and some of the plant health benefits that they can offer."
The first, Rainbolt says ...
RAINBOLT ... "One of those if F-500 fungicide. It really gives a strong plant health effect so it helps that seedling emerge very quickly. So, often times when were planting conditions aren't ideal. It can be a little bit cool, soils can be a little bit wet or even sometimes a little bit dry. So, it can help alleviate some of those stress-induced problems."
And, the other ...
RAINBOLT ... "The second one is Xemium. That's also found in the foliar fungicide Priaxor. And, what it really brings to the table is it's very systemic. So, as a seed treatment, even though it's applied on the seed, once that wheat seedling starts to grow it will actually move into the roots and into those early shoots and leaves and give you protection above ground and below ground from quite a few diseases and really some of the important ones like Ryzoc and Fusarium."
Listen tomorrow for more on BASF's Stamina F4 fungicide and the diseases it helps with here in the Pacific Northwest.