Wildfire Prevention Bill Pt 2
I'm Bob Larson. A bill has passed in the state House that would create long, narrow corridors strategically targeted through Washington forests giving firefighters more tools to minimize wildfires before they even begin.7th District Representative Joel Kretz says his bill would complement any plan the state has ...
KRETZ ... "You know, we've got this strategic plan coming out from the DNR and this isn't meant to compete with that. This is just meant to actually maybe improve and put a little bit more emphasis on looking at the big picture in a strategic way."
19th District Democrat Brian Blake likes the idea ...
BLAKE ... "This is the kind of smart land management that we need in this state. It will result in healthier forests and safer communities and I urge your support."
Clark County Republican Vicki Kraft says she's been for this kind of plan since a conversation she had a few years ago ...
KRAFT ... "I happened to be at a seminar, stepped out for a break and right next to us was the Idaho Firefighter's Association. So, I was just chatting with a gentleman from their organization and I said, you know boy we're having some of those runaway fires again. Do you guys have that in Idaho? Do have these just massive runaway fires that just go on for months? And, he literally laughed and he said, no. And, I said really, why not? And, he said, because we manage our forests. I said, is it really that easy? He goes, it's really that easy."
Kretz's bill passed 96-0 and now goes to the Senate for further consideration.