Super Bowl Food Safety
The Super Bowl is Sunday and a Denver area Chef has advice for Super Bowl Party hosts that will keep you and your friends feeling good no matter who wins the game.Chef Jason Morse of says to make sure the hot foods stay hot.
"And that's at a safe holding temperature 155 degrees or hotter. Whether you're serving dips or queso. A lot of times everybody makes a huge spread and then it sits out on a counter for 2 or 4 or 6 hours. We look at time and temperature at use and basically add a 4 hour time frame."
Morse says a food warmer is easy to find and an important tool for a day- long party.
Of course cold foods need to be kept cold as well. That can be done with an ice tray under the cool foods.
He says bringing out foods in courses is a good way to keep them at the proper temperature.
Morse is the chef for Ace Hardware and says he's got advice on how to cook three appetizers at the same time on the Traeger Grill at the company's youtube channel.
On average about 14 million Americans call in sick the day after the Super Bowl according the USDA's Gary Crawford. Some of those might actually be legit sick calls after folks have eaten food that's been contaminated.
For other questions home chefs can call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888 MPHotline.